The roadmap to your Handstands

What if you stopped throwing yourself against the wall?
In this masterclass, you will learn everything you need to make breakthroughs in your inversion practice and finally get your freestanding handstand.

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What exactly will you learn from this masterclass?

This brand new masterclass is comprised of four different modules with video tutorials, training logs, and much more!

Learn the best bang for buck drills to UNLOCK your handstand faster and develop a smart, solid movement practice. 

Never be stuck praying for the best and throwing yourself against that wall again! Learn EXACTLY how to find your alignment and achieve effortless balance.

What it really takes to kick up with consistency and control into the desired handstand zone, and the best way to practice it safely against a wall.
and more…

Who is this for ?

Complete beginners

The single most important thing you can do when you start your handstand journey is to know where you are heading.

We tend to dismiss this idea and end up kicking up endlessly against the wall... until it sticks. 

This practice, that most people do, is unwise.

Instead, one should laser focus their training to get the best results in the fastest amount of time.

This masterclass will give you the tools to do just that.

Experienced but struggle with consistency

You have tried kicking up in a handstand before. You have practiced with the wall, maybe even with a partner. Heck, you may even have taken classes. And you have, once a blue moon, some success. 

But your consistency isn't there. 

To get your handstand 10 times out of 10, you need to diagnose what foundations you have skipped and solidify them. The moment you do that, instead of relying on sheer chance, your handstand will dramatically improve, in terms of consistency, duration and alignment.

Follow the guide...

3 key advantages of this masterclass

Deconstructing the Handstand

We will pull the handstand apart to understand its different components in depth. This will allow beginners to understand what they should prioritise and people with more experience to pin down where they should bring their attention to improve their consistency.
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Exclusive videos and training guides

I have designed specific video tutorials for this masterclass. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorials to practice at home with suggestion of volume to exactly know how much you should train to expect the best results. 
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Smart learning

Just like learning to drive a car, or a new language, learning the right foundation in the right order makes a world of a difference. My goal is to lay out for you the exact roadmap that will take you to your handstands, and teach you to differentiate the important from the superfluous, the foundations from the expert details, to fast track your progress.
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And start your handstand journey on the right tracks